Are you curious about study abroad? Want to spend a semester or year in another country or state? Stop by the Go Global! SSU Study Away Fair to learn more about program options and study away opportunities! Talk to representatives from the programs and hear from study away alumni! More information to come! There will also be yummy food, activities, and a book sale/swap!
Join IEEC for a Book Fundraiser: Buy, Swap, or Donate books to support IEEC programming, events, and our Study Away Student Scholarship! All books will be sold for $1 only, and proceeds go towards supporting the club. Swapping and Donating comes at no cost to you! Ready to start clearing off your book shelf for the end of the semester? Donated books will go to Better World Books, an organization that provides books to communities in need around the world and in support of environmental programs. Better World Books is also the online destination for buying books offering the widest selection of used and new books. Better World Books betters the world, one book at a time. Help make a difference: Donate, Buy Books, Do Good. It’s that simple!
This event is a part of International Education Week.
Posted in International Education