Shannon Overbay, Gonzaga University
In the classical book embedding problem, an n-page book is formed by connecting n half-planes (the pages) together at a common line (the spine) in 3-space. To embed a graph in a book, we place the vertices of the graph on the spine and the edges of the graph on the pages of the book so that no two edges cross each other or the spine. The book thickness of a graph is the smallest n for which the graph admits an n-book embedding. We will examine some classical book embedding results, including edge bounds and characterizations of one and two-page embeddable graphs. We will also look at some new generalizations of books by modifying the pages and show how these relate to various data structures and delivery systems. Bring a pencil and paper to discover some facts about book embeddings for yourself!
Zoom Link for Spring 2023 M*A*TH Colloquium Talks (Zoom will open at approximately 3:45 before each talk)
The M*A*T*H Colloquium is our weekly public lecture series. Talks are on Wednesdays at 4:00 p.m. in Darwin 103 and on Zoom; see link above (first four talks are on Zoom only). Maps to and of campus are available. A parking permit is required to park on campus, and is available for $5.00 at machines in the parking lots. Talks are otherwise free.
The M*A*T*H Colloquium has been in operation during every semester since Fall, 1974. See below for previous posters.
![Sonoma State University](