SSU Spirituality Week, Presents: Apple Seed & Redwood Forest Monthly Meetings Of The Religious Society Of Friends (Quaker)

Sep 22, 2020 , 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Student Involvement
Admission Fees
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Come meet local Quakers! There are two unprogrammed Quaker Meetings in Sonoma County. We gather in silence, in the belief that where ever two or more gather in worship, the divine is there. Our central testimonies include, Peace/non-violence, absolute equality of all people, that there is that of the divine in all of us. Friends were amongst the first to work for the rights of everyone to worship as they saw fit, for the abolition of slavery, & for women's equality. We have been behind every antiwar movement since the American Revolution. Friends were part of the struggle of the civil rights movement, the Underground Railroad and the battle against proposition 8. For more information, email David-James Bloom,

Meeting ID: 876 7308 2645    

Passcode: 114208

Illustration of two hands reaching for the sun and stars
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September 22, 2020
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