The Sonoma County Women in Conversation events continue to create a strong voice surrounding topics of interest to women of all ages, building a community of women who support and motivate each other and engage in important conversations. Join us and learn, laugh and leave feeling inspired. 3:30 - 6:30 PM: Experience The Experience is free and open to the public. Register online to secure your place. Join us before The Conversation to celebrate, inspire, and empower local women from all backgrounds. We host a showcase for dozens of women-related businesses and services, locally-owned businesses, from financial planning to health and wellness, from home design to personal style. You’ll nosh, drink and mingle with some of the area’s top entrepreneurs. Although the event is free, there is an onsite parking fee of $5 per vehicle. 7 PM: Women in Conversation Speakers | Weill Hall, Green Music Center Students: To enter to win free tickets to this sold out Women in Conversation Speaker event, email Mo Phillips: