Did the fight for justice die with the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King? Did the election of Barack Obama advance the issues of racism and poverty in the US? The economic gap has continued to widen in the midst of ongoing efforts to fight for economic, racial, and environmental justice. A number of forces are coming together to continue working toward the dream of a socially just world; from Black Lives Matter to the Poor People’s Campaign. Come learn about is happening in these important cultural movements.
Chuck Rhodes, has been involved in human justice work for more than fifty years. A former member of the Sonoma State University community, he retired as Assistant Vice-President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management in 2011, after 31 years at the institution. Over the course of his career, he has received a number of recognitions from the Association of College and University Housing Officers – International and the American College Personnel Association: College Student Educators International.
After retiring, he graduated from the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, Georgia with a Masters in Divinity. Ordained by the Fellowship of Affirming Ministries, he is in the process of planting a new church in Columbia, South Carolina. Currently, Rhodes is one of the tri-leads for the South Carolina Poor Peoples’ Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival, a renewed vision of the organization originally founded by Dr. Martin Luther King in 1967. In Spring 2018, Rev. Rhodes was arrested five times in a month period protesting systematic racist, systematic poverty, and other issues.