Screening of El Canto del Colibrí and Conversation with Marco Castro-Bojorquez, Director/Producer
"El Canto del Colibrí empowers its subjects, both the fathers and their magnifies voices often not heard in the LGBTIQA+ community. In the process, the documentary permits some of the challenging and complex issues around queer Latin American family members, to be addressed and reflected on. For this, and for its respectful, intelligent and engaging tone, it’s well worth the watch."
- Lidiya Josifova, 4:3 Films
Filmmaker Marco Castro- Bojorquez is a dedicated activist for the LGBTIQA+ and the HIV/AIDS communites. Daily he fights for the civil rights of LGBTIQA+ people as a convener for multiple organizations including; Venas Abiertas: A National Network of Latinx Immigrants Living and / or affected by HIV/AIDS, a member of the U.S. People Living with HIV Caucus, and a lead organizer with the coalition of Californians for HIV Criminalization Reform. He is also the senior advisor for Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement, MAVEN and Somos Familia, organizations that work with queer youth and their families in the United States.
In 2010, Marco directed his first short documentary Tres Gotas de Agua where three Latina immigrant mothers tell their personal stories about their children's coming out processes. His most recent work, El Canto del Colibrí 2015, (The Hummingbird’s Song) explores the relationships between Latino immigrant fathers and their LGBT family members. This documentary addresses important issues such as family acceptance, culture, machismo, and immigration.