Business, Marketing, Sales & Finance Track - 10am - 1pm, Handshake
Student Event
Join this Social Justice Week event in hearing the speaker Amy Quichiz, Co-Founder and CEO of Veggie Mijas, to learn about the actions we can all take to have accessible healthier food options and
Join this Social Justice Week event in hearing the speakers J.P. Massar and Debbie Notkin, of Strike Debt Bay Area, to engage in actions we can take to support this movement.
Join this Social Justice Week event in hearing from speaker Angela Aguilar, a collective member of Movement Generation: Justice & Ecology Project, to learn about the work they do, and what acti
Join this Social Justice Week event with panelists Maya Babow, Russell Wilson, Rose Mukhar, Lori Furgoli, and Dustin Contreras.
How does the health of the globe connect to global health? Some of the ways climate change may effect your health are obvious, smoke and heat illness to name a few. Dr.
Join this Social Justice Week event in learning from Leonard Rubio, Director of the Insight Prison Project in hearing about Restorative Justice Circles in Prison and learn how you can get involved.
Join ASP and Jonathan Van Ness from Netflix’s Queer Eye for a night of questions and fun! Got a question for JVN? Now is your time to ask!
Join this Social Justice Week event with speaker Malinalli Lopez, Film Producer, SSU Chicano and Latino Studies Professor, and Founder/Member of XQL Media.