January 30 Town Hall link and Follow-up Meetings

Wednesday, January 29, 2025, 5:00pm

TO: Campus Community
FR: Emily F. Cutrer, Interim President

Dear Campus Community:

I hope you will attend the virtual SSU Town Hall from 1:30 to 3 p.m. tomorrow, January 30. Here is the link to that meeting: https://SonomaState.zoom.us/j/89333466588. Registration is not, and has not previously been, required to attend the Town Hall. Simply use the link to tune in. The purpose of the Town Hall is to listen, hear, and respond to questions and concerns from as many people as possible.

The following format will be used:

  • Attendees will be invited to enter a queue to ask a question or make a public comment.
  • Comments and questions will be limited to one minute to ensure as many stakeholders as possible can participate.  

A series of in-person meetings with campus constituencies also will be held beginning on Tuesday, February 4. Times and locations are being determined and scheduled and will be announced as soon as possible.

  • Tuesday, February 4: Associated Students
  • Wednesday, February 5: College of Education, Counseling, and Ethnic Studies
  • Thursday, February 6: College of Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Arts
  • Thursday, February 6: Division of Student Affairs, including Athletics
  • Friday, February 7: College of Science, Technology, and Business

Further in-person meetings for specific divisions will be held the week of February 10. Details will be provided as these meetings are scheduled.

I hope to see you tomorrow and at the in-person meetings over the next two weeks.