TO: Campus Community
FR: Emily F. Cutrer, Interim President
Dear Campus Community:
I hope you will attend the virtual SSU Town Hall from 1:30 to 3 p.m. tomorrow, January 30. Here is the link to that meeting:
The following format will be used:
- Attendees will be invited to enter a queue to ask a question or make a public comment.
- Comments and questions will be limited to one minute to ensure as many stakeholders as possible can participate.
A series of in-person meetings with campus constituencies also will be held beginning on Tuesday, February 4. Times and locations are being determined and scheduled and will be announced as soon as possible.
- Tuesday, February 4: Associated Students
- Wednesday, February 5: College of Education, Counseling, and Ethnic Studies
- Thursday, February 6: College of Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Arts
- Thursday, February 6: Division of Student Affairs, including Athletics
- Friday, February 7: College of Science, Technology, and Business
Further in-person meetings for specific divisions will be held the week of February 10. Details will be provided as these meetings are scheduled.
I hope to see you tomorrow and at the in-person meetings over the next two weeks.