Message from the President

Sunday, April 28, 2024, 9:45am

TO: Campus Community
FR: Mike Lee, President

On Friday, April 26, Sonoma State University was the site of a potluck and speaker event in support of Palestine. Several of those who took part in the event then established a tent encampment on Person Lawn. The encampment remains in place at the time of this email, and on Sunday is expected to be the site of a rally organized and led by Sonoma County for Palestine.

The encampment has been peaceful. SSU staff and the Sonoma State University Police Department have been monitoring activities there since Friday afternoon and have not found it necessary to take any action at this time. Our conversations with students in the encampment suggest their intent is to peacefully protest and to prioritize the safety of the campus community. 

At Sonoma State, we are primarily concerned about three things when demonstrations take place: the safety of our students, faculty, staff, and visitors; supporting the right to free expression by our community; and minimizing disruption to the teaching, learning, and working taking place.

We understand the ongoing conflict in Gaza has ignited passions on all sides. The politics and history of the region are complex, and concerns about the ongoing threat to human life in the region cannot be overstated. As I mentioned in a message to our campus last October, following Hamas’ attack on Israel, “There is no political, religious, or cultural principle that merits the murder of the innocent, and the one battle we should all be engaged in is the fight for inclusion, respect, and freedom for all people, regardless of their background or identity.”

We stand with all students, faculty, staff, and alumni affected by events in Israel and Gaza, and remind everyone of the following:

For information and options about supportive measures, resources on and off campus, resolution options, and/or to file a report related to discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct, please contact the Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination at or 707-664-4140.

Let us remember that universities are repositories of the knowledge and experience ideal for addressing expressions of protest and dissent, which are constitutionally protected. Our goal must be to ensure the safety of all members of the Seawolf community — and visitors to our campus — while encouraging civil engagement over passionately held views.