July Employee Wellness Opportunities

Monday, July 1, 2024, 9:00am

TO: Sonoma State Employees
FR: Wellness Program, Payroll and Benefits

Yoga Classes
Lunchtime yoga classes continue and are open to all experience levels. A great opportunity to meet employees from other units, while also taking a break to stretch and have a midday reset.

  • Mondays and Thursdays (12:05 - 12:55pm, Ives 80): Meditative Yoga with Jeanne Janae
  • Tuesdays and Wednesdays (12:05 - 12:55pm, Ives 80): Yoga Flow with Kim Purdy

Wellness Webinars
We are excited to share this month’s wellness webinars offered by Kaiser Permanente. These webinars are open to all employees regardless of your health plan election. Webinars remain available on-demand for six months after the live stream (with the exception of the live Calm Meditation Sessions which are available only at the time of the event).

Good for You, Good for the Planet
Understand how changes to improve your well-being, like nutrition, fitness, and sleep, can also help the environment for a healthy planet and to fight climate change.
July 17, 2024 (Noon - 1pm)

Calm Meditation Sessions 
15-minute de-stress exercises using the Calm app.  

  • July 10, 2024 (10 - 10:15am)
    Join here at the time of event
  • July 24, 2024 (2 - 2:15pm)
    Join here at the time of event


Local Marathons
Get ready to lace up your sneakers as the SSU Employee Wellness Program has secured exclusive discount codes for two local running events featuring distances for all levels. Whether you are a seasoned runner or wanting to try something new, you are invited to join us and walk, run or even skip your way to the finish line.