Campus Updates
Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Karen Moranski, Chair of President’s Budget Advisory Committee and Laura Lupei, AVP for University Budget and Resource Planning invite the campus community to attend the Fall 2021 Budget and Planning Forum in Ballroom A of the Student Center and/or on Zoom.
Sonoma State University's Payroll and Benefits department inform faculty and staff of a received request for participation in the Catastrophic Leave Program from University employee, Barbara Frohlech, who has been determined eligible to receive sick and/or vacation leave credits.
On behalf of COVID Monitoring and Compliance Team, Kendall Newman, Operations Manager for Risk Management and Safety Services, notifies the campus community of a positive case of COVID-19 on campus. The exposure occurred at multiple buildings, dates, and times.
Stan Nosek, Interim Vice President for Administration and Finance, and Tyson Hill, Associate Vice President for Risk Management and Safety Services, outline the COVID-19 safety requirements of all faculty and staff. Reminder: COVID-19 safety protocols
Sonoma State University's Human Resources department encourages all members of the campus community to save-the-date and plan to attend the zoom open forums to meet the Vice President for Administration and Finance search finalists.
On behalf of COVID Monitoring and Compliance Team, Kendall Newman, Operations Manager for Risk Management and Safety Services, notifies the campus community of a positive case of COVID-19 on campus. The exposure occurred at multiple buildings, dates, and times.
Karen Moranski, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, announces to all employees that Dr. Matthew Paolucci Callahan has accepted the position of Interim Associate Vice President, Faculty Success.
Nader Oweis, Chief of Police, and Dr. Ryan Jasen Henne, Dean of Students, share information to help the campus community make informed decisions regarding participation in Halloween festivities on campus and in surrounding communities.
On behalf of COVID Monitoring and Compliance Team, Kendall Newman, Operations Manager for Risk Management and Safety Services, notifies the campus community of a positive case of COVID-19 on campus. The exposure occurred at multiple buildings, dates, and times.
Nader Oweis, Chief of Police, alerts the Sonoma State University Community of a mountain lion sighting this morning, October 27, at the north entrance of Sonoma State University near the Green Music Center.