Campus Updates
Lauren Antoni, Associate Director of Culinary Operations, provides the campus community with an update regarding Culinary Services during the Spring 2022 semester.
On behalf of COVID Monitoring and Compliance Team, Kendall Newman, Operations Manager for Risk Management and Safety Services, notifies the campus community of five positive cases of COVID-19 on campus. The exposures occurred at multiple buildings, dates, and times.
President Judy K. Sakaki shares some words with the SSU campus community in celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King.
Karen Moranski, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, provides the campus community with the list of classes approved to meet in-person through February 11, 2022 during Sonoma County Department of Public Health’s health order restricting gatherings of large groups of people.
On behalf of COVID Monitoring and Compliance Team, Kendall Newman, Operations Manager for Risk Management and Safety Services, notifies the campus community of four positive cases of COVID-19 on campus. The exposures occurred at multiple buildings, dates, and times.
On behalf of COVID Monitoring and Compliance Team, Kendall Newman, Operations Manager for Risk Management and Safety Services, updates all employees about changes to COVID-19 isolation and quarantine orders.
Sonoma State University's Payroll and Benefits department announces to employees that Victor Tawn, a Specialist with the State of California CalHR Savings Plus 401k/457b program, is hosting Savings Plus educational webinars and one-on-one phone meetings to benefit all Sonoma State University employees.
On behalf of COVID Monitoring and Compliance Team, Kendall Newman, Operations Manager for Risk Management and Safety Services, updates all employees about on-campus Testing Center hours and N95 masks.
President Judy K. Sakaki informs the SSU campus community of Spring 2022 changes in response to Sonoma County Public Health Order due to a local and regional surge in COVID-19 cases.
On behalf of COVID Monitoring and Compliance Team, Kendall Newman, Operations Manager for Risk Management and Safety Services, notifies the campus community of three positive cases of COVID-19 on campus. The exposures occurred at multiple buildings, dates, and times.