Campus Updates
The Sonoma State University Commencement Logistics Committee informs the campus community of commencement updates, including an overview of the drive-thru ceremonies, a schedule of events, and other important details.
Nader Oweis, Chief of Police, and Tyson Hill, Clery Compliance Office Director, inform the campus community of a reported crime that occurred in an apartment in Beaujolais Village in the early morning hours of April 27, 2021.
The Sonoma State University Commencement Logistics Committee details the opportunities for staff participation in this year's commencement.
Sonoma State University's Payroll and Benefits department informs all employees that Victor Tawn, a Specialist with the State of California CalHR Savings Plus 401k/457b program, is hosting Savings Plus educational webinars and one-on-one phone meetings to benefit all Sonoma State University employees.
Karen Moranski, Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and, Joyce Lopes, Vice President for Administration and Finance, inform all Sonoma State University employees of the newly developed HR and Faculty Affairs Shared Services Model.
Sonoma State University's Human Resources Department invites and encourages all members of the campus community to save-the-date and plan to attend the zoom open forums to meet the Director of Athletics search finalists.
Sonoma State University's Human Resources Department informs all faculty and staff of an available support group through LifeMatters (Empathia).
Jerlena Griffin-Desta, Chief of Staff to the President and Vice President of Diversity & Strategic Initiatives, informs and reminds the campus community of the importance of the Sonoma State University campus-wide climate survey for students, staff, faculty, and administrators.
The Sonoma State University Commencement Logistics Committee details the expectations for MPP and staff participation in this year's commencement.
The Sonoma State University Department of Human Resources invites and encourages all members of the campus community to attend the zoom open forums to meet the Provost, Vice President of Academic Affairs search finalists.