2024 Annual Whistleblower Notification

Tuesday, June 25, 2024, 1:00pm

TO: All Employees
FR: Erin Taylor, Director of Employee and Labor Relations

Please find attached the annual notice to state employees from the California State Auditor regarding the California Whistleblower Protection Act, which may be accessed in its entirety at California Whistleblower Protection Act.  

Whistleblower complaints may be submitted at the CSU campus level (http://hr.sonoma.edu/erc/whistleblower-information) or directly to the California State Auditor’s Office (https://www.auditor.ca.gov/whistleblower/).  All state employees are asked to report improper activities such as fraud, abuse, waste and/or misuse of state resources.  

If you have any questions about this email or whistleblower protections in general, please contact Sonoma State Human Resources at erc@sonoma.edu or you may also contact the State Auditor’s Office directly using the hotline linked above.