Campus Updates
J. Dana Twedell, Associate Vice President for Facilities Management, provides information and a construction schedule for the university's upcoming solar and battery project.
J. Dana Twedell, Associate Vice President for Facilities Management, reminds the campus community of an upcoming scheduled power outage on campus to continue the upgrade work to the campus electrical system.
On behalf of COVID Monitoring and Compliance Team, Jason Csontos informs all employees that Sonoma State University has been notified of an on-campus COVID-19 positive case.
SSU's Learning and Development department announces Sonoma State’s participation in the CSU Cross-Campus Collaboration (CCC) Professional Development workshop series.
President Ming-Tung “Mike” Lee announces the appointment of Dr. Edward Mills as Vice President of Strategic Enrollment.
Ming-Tung “Mike” Lee, President of Sonoma State University, announces the appointment of Dr. Ed Mills as Vice President of Strategic Enrollment for a three-year term.
Chandra Holte from Human Resources and Jerlena Griffin-Desta, Ph.D., from the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, inform employees that June 19 (Juneteenth), which was recognized as a federal and state holiday this past year, has now officially been designated as a paid holiday for CSU employees.
Jerlena Griffin-Desta, Ph.D., Chief of Staff and Vice President Strategic Initiatives and Diversity, reminds the campus community to participate in the 2023 Belonging and Inclusion: Campus Climate Survey.
Robert Eyler, Interim AVP of Government and Regional Relations, reminds the campus community about the upcoming City of Rohnert Park meeting to discuss the future of downtown Rohnert Park, current and planned developments, and planned community services activities. This event will occur on April 27 from 3-5 p.m. in Ballrooms A and B on the third floor of the Student Center.
Kendall Newman, Interim Risk and Safety Business Operations Manager, provides the campus community with information about the upcoming Sonoma County ShakeOut Drill and Emergency Notification System Test.