TO: Sonoma State Employees
FR: Wellness Program, Payroll and Benefits
Kaiser Permanente will be in the Student Center, Ballroom D, on October 10, 2023 from 11:30am to 2:30pm to administer free flu shots to Sonoma State University employees. This event is available to all employees, regardless of their health plan election.
Please register for an appointment as soon as possible as there are limited appointments available. On the day of the event, please bring a completed copy of the attached form with you. If you are a Kaiser member, please also bring your medical card/number.
Create an account to register and schedule an appointment:
Create a secure account
- Go to the customer link: https://wellness-event. csusonoma - Complete the registration page and click “Save & Continue”
- You will receive a confirmation email - click on the link to confirm your account
- Create your password
- Accept (or decline) the agreement for sharing your personal information
Schedule an appointment
- Select an event by clicking “Choose Event”
- Choose the time that works best for you and click “Schedule”
- This will direct you to the “Manage my Event” page where you can view your appointment details, add the event to your electronic calendar, make changes to your appointment, and access wellness resources
To view, reschedule or cancel your appointment:
- Visit
- Enter your email address and password under “Returning users” and click “Submit”
- From the “Manage My Events” page, you are able to schedule, view or change your appointment details, add the event to your electronic calendar, and access wellness resources