TO: All employees
FR: Kendall Newman, Operations Manager for Risk Management
To keep employees up-to-date with guidelines related to COVID-19, the CSULearn training course SSU Returning to Work during COVID-19, has been updated by the Chancellor’s Office. Sonoma State University is making this training available to all employees as required by Cal. Code §3205. This training was previously assigned to all employees who returned to a fully on-campus or a hybrid schedule during 2021.
The SSU Returning to Work during COVID-19 training has been updated to reflect:
- Current information on the SARS-CoV-2 virus and how it is transmitted
- Best practices for preventing transmission of COVID-19
- What to do if you become sick
- Recommended types of masks and face coverings
- CSU and campus policies on COVID-19 vaccinations
Employees who have not yet taken this training are recommended to do so. Employees who have previously taken the training are not required to complete it again. Employees wishing to complete or re-take the training are welcome to complete the new version through CSULearn.
You can access the training here or by logging into CSULearn on your LDAP and using the search function to find the “SSU Returning to Work”. If you have previously taken the training, select “Register Again” to launch the training.
If you have any questions about this training, please contact