TO: Campus community
FR: Karen Moranski, Interim Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
Sonoma State University is hosting a remote special review by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) on March 4-5, 2021 in response to the full accreditation review that took place in October 2017. This remote special review is related to seven recommendations made by the WSCUC site team. A summary of those recommendations and the campus’ response can be found on the Accreditation Website.
WSCUC understands that not everyone who may wish to participate can be invited to or attend scheduled remote meetings and has therefore established a confidential email account to give everyone the opportunity to communicate with the team.
The email account is created by WSCUC and only authorized WSCUC staff and team members have access to the emails submitted. The emails are not viewed by any representative of the institution. To write to the WSCUC team, please address your email to:
This email account has been created for this visit only and will be closed once the interview sessions are completed. Only comments made before or during the review will be considered as part of the review process.
Institutional stakeholders are invited to provide comments on issues of academic rigor and consistency, availability of student support services, accuracy of information provided by the institution, and other matters related to the quality of the educational experience or the operational effectiveness of the institution.
Institutional reports, remote interviews with groups and individuals, and email comments will become part of the information collected and reviewed by the team. If the team chooses to include information derived from confidential emails as a part of its findings in the team report, the information will be presented to keep the author’s identity confidential. Please note that team members will not respond individually to comments provided through the confidential email account. However, the input from comments, along with other forms of information, will be considered as the team undertakes its work and develops recommendations to the institution.
The team is not able to meet individually with members of the campus community, so please do not use the email account to request private appointments.