TO: Campus Community
FR: Missy Brunetta, Director for Emergency Services and Associate Risk Manager on behalf of COVID Monitoring and Compliance Team
Sonoma State University was notified today of a positive case of COVID-19 on campus. The date of exposure associated with this case is May 18, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. occurring at the Recreation Center.
Individuals who are determined to have had direct contact with the COVID positive person have been contacted by the COVID Monitoring Team based on university records and exposure investigations.
The Recreation Center will be closed for the remainder of today, May 18, and tomorrow, May 19 for sanitation and cleaning by our Facilities Management team.
Our primary focus is the health and safety of our campus community, and our mission remains empowering every student for success. The situation regarding COVID-19 continues to evolve in our region, and we must remain collectively vigilant. In compliance with HIPAA privacy rules, SSU will not release any identifying information involving the private healthcare of one of our campus community members.
Important Reminders and Resources
- Wear a facial covering when inside any campus buildings at all times while on campus
- Practice physical distancing at all times
- Wash hands with soap and water
- Use hand sanitizers provided
- Stay home if sick or if anyone in your household is suspected of being COVID-19 positive
- Complete the daily wellness screening online. Report COVID exposure or symptoms, even if you are vaccinated.
- Find up to date information on SSU’s response on the SSU COVID-19 webpages
Please take care of yourself, your family, and fellow community members by following the recommendations of the federal, state, and local health officials as we manage through this challenge together.
If you have any questions about any information included in this email, please contact
Stay safe and well.