Brave Space Town Hall on the Impacts of COVID-19

Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 2:45pm

TO: All Employees
FR: Dr. Jerlena Griffin-Desta, Chief of Staff and Vice President for Diversity and Strategic Initiatives

Every day we are offered a stream of statistics (tests, vaccinations, deaths, etc.) about COVID-19 aired through television, radio, and newspapers. It can feel overwhelming, especially when we know that there are real people behind these numbers, people and families who are dealing with real consequences of this pandemic. Which is why we are holding a Brave Space Town Hall on the impacts of COVID-19, for staff and faculty, a virtual event to listen and share our stories and experiences while providing the kind of Sonoma Strong support for which our university community is well known.
Please see the Town Hall brochure for details including interactive calendar links. We have two dates, Wednesday, February 17 and Thursday, February 25, with the hope that everyone can attend at least one. On the brochure simply click on the “add to your calendar” link for easy scheduling.