Learn theories of heritage practice and methods to identify and evaluate cultural resources.
Majors: Graduate
The Spanish program offers a full range of courses in language, literature, and culture, as well as interdisciplinary concentrations.
The nursing program provides opportunities for learning using a variety of traditional & technology-mediated strategies.
Students will develop research, analytical, & communication skills which can be drawn upon in a variety of careers.
English majors look at the power of words and stories from many angles — as creators, as scholarly researchers, and as teachers and communicators.
This graduate program focuses on the interconnection between electrical engineering hardware and computer science software.
Master of education with five areas of concentration
MA in Counseling with two specializations that prepare graduates to become licensed mental health professionals or credentialed school counselors
Business Administration offers a wide selection of specialized courses designed to meet a variety of career objectives.
The biology curriculum, supported by physical sciences and mathematics, is designed to provide students with a strong background in the principles of biology and their application to current research questions and biological resource management challenges.