Campus Efficiency Initiatives Updates

Tuesday, October 29, 2024, 12:30pm

TO: Campus Community
FR: Karen Moranski, Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs; Monir Ahmed, CFO/Vice President for Administration & Finance 

As Sonoma State University explores all strategies to achieve a balanced and healthy budget, we have partnered with the Chancellor’s Office to engage two consulting firms – Deloitte and Gray Decision Intelligence (DI) – to provide data for our assessment of SSU’s business operations and academic program mix. The goal is to create a stronger and more efficient administrative operating structure, with innovative and marketable academic programs that support SSU’s mission, and serve as a model for other similarly positioned CSU institutions. Such initiatives are especially important as the university addresses a $21-million budget deficit.

A website will be launching soon with more detail about the administrative services project and providing opportunities to give feedback and/or ask questions. You will find more detail on our projects with Gray DI on the Academic Master Plan website.