Chief Planning Officer Christopher Dinno Retiring from SSU

Monday, June 10, 2024, 9:00am

TO: All SSU Faculty and Staff
FR: Monir Ahmed, Vice President for Administration & Finance

Dear Campus Community,

It is with mixed emotions that I announce the retirement of Sonoma State University Chief Planning Officer, Christopher Dinno, on July 1, 2024. 

Christopher joined our campus 24 years ago, and over the course of his illustrious career has overseen a period of immense growth and development at Sonoma State University. During his tenure, the university has grown from 1.1 million to 2.4 million square feet of physical plant. Listing all of his accomplishments at the university would take up far too much of this email, however I would like to call out some of the major projects that have his imprint on, in support of student success.

  • Stevenson Hall Renovation 
    • The first LEED Certified building on our campus, this building features increased collaborative spaces, shared natural lighting, and gender inclusive restrooms. 
  • Donald and Maureen Green Music Center
    • A groundbreaking center for the arts in the North Bay, this venue features state of the art performance spaces and is a world class concert hall. 
  • Wine Spectator Learning Center 
    • Funded primarily by donors, this building is now the home to the Wine Business Institute, one of the only programs of its kind in the nation. 
  • Salazar Hall Renovation
    • After completion of the Schulz Information Center in 2001, Salazar Hall was converted from a library to the main administrative and student services center for the campus
  • Darwin Hall Renovation 
    • Serving our Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Math and Computer Sciences programs. 
  • Student Center and Recreation Center 
    • The two buildings that are completely funded by student initiatives. 
  • Beaujolais and Tuscany Villages
    • These two additions to the residential community nearly doubled the available bed spaces on campus, allowing the university to continue to grow and offer what has become known as the #1 Housing in the CSU for students. 
  • And many more

We are grateful to have had Christopher as part of our campus community for so many years. His leadership, vision, and dedication to Sonoma State University have left a profound impact on the university that will be felt for many years to come. 

Please join me in thanking Christopher and wishing him all the best as he ventures into his latest adventure.