Sexual Harassment Lawsuits

Saturday, May 6, 2023, 4:15pm

TO: Campus Community
FR: President Mike Lee

Dear Campus Community,

As you may be aware, two sexual harassment-related lawsuits have been recently filed against Sonoma State University, as well as a number of systemwide representatives, trustees, and individual faculty and administrators. On Friday the Press Democrat detailed some of the allegations, including the identity of certain named defendants. 
I am not lawfully allowed to supply those details here, and even if I could, I would not, trying to preserve as much privacy as possible for all involved. Each individual involved may be seeking justice, but the process is neither gentle nor straightforward. The way such cases play out publicly has historically shaped the experience of both the accused and the accuser, including levying ongoing harm and even personal ruin. Indeed, the devastation to individuals, families, and communities in Title IX cases is one of the reasons we at SSU are working to build a bridge to more inclusive restorative justice practices.
However, in the meantime, I want to provide you with awareness that these suits have been filed, and we are still very early in the process. We will not be making any statements to confirm, deny, or explain allegations, rumors seen on social media, or other alleged “facts.” What I will say is that I encourage all of you to exercise your capacity for empathy and compassion broadly, and ask you to refrain from sharing rumors that can literally destroy someone’s life, even, and perhaps especially, if they are untrue.
Let us continue to move forward toward the truth with enlightenment, mindful kindness, and sound critical reasoning. I am personally distressed for all involved and am committed to creating a tone of respect, civility, and compassion toward all affected parties. This is the least we all can do. 

As a reminder, we have resources, both on and off-campus, if you have experienced, witnessed, or have questions about discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual misconduct.  Please reach out to the Office for the Prevention of Discrimination and Harassment at or 707-664-4140 to file a report or to access supportive measures.  Resources can also be found on the OPHD website at