TO: SSU Staff and Managers
FR: Staff Council
The SSU Staff Council encourages all members of our campus community to consider serving on a university-wide committee. At this time, we are looking for a staff and/or MPP representative to serve on each of the following Academic Master Plan committees/working groups (3 representatives in total). A brief description of the charge of each committee is provided below, along with the presumed time commitment. Please note that currently serving on a university committee does not preclude you from serving on additional committees. We do recommend that you obtain support from your supervisor prior to filling out the Qualtrics.
The working groups will be co-chaired by a faculty member and administrator appointed by the Provost and the AMP Executive Committee. The faculty representatives will be elected through School elections, the student representatives will be elected by Associated Students and the staff representatives will be elected by Staff Council.
Steering Committee/Liberal Arts Identity Working Group:
- Representatives appointed to this role will be serving on both the Steering Committee and the Liberal Arts Identity Working Group. The committee is scheduled to begin meeting on Monday, November 7 and will be meeting weekly from 3pm-5pm, with weeks alternating between the two focuses.
- The Steering Committee will have 15-20 members and will include all members of the AMP Executive Committee, as well as additional faculty, student and staff representatives. The Steering Committee will also be in charge of collecting feedback from the entire campus regarding SSU’s Liberal Arts Identity and will act as a working group itself on that topic.
Strategic Scheduling Working Group:
- The schedule for this working group has not been established yet, however it is anticipated that meetings will take place every other week throughout the spring 2023 semester.
- This working group will look at scheduling to maximize teaching load and fill rate; better utilization of classroom space; student retention and support; and strategic scheduling as a potential first step in multi-year scheduling; and more, all with the goal of supporting students, increasing enrollment and retention, and continuing to graduate students within a reasonable amount of time.
Current and New Programs Working Group:
- The schedule for this working group has not been established yet, however it is anticipated that meetings will take place every other week throughout the spring 2023 semester.
- This working group will look at balancing our identity as a public liberal arts and sciences university with workforce demand; programs that are impacted or have low enrollment; interdisciplinary education; and more, all with the goal of creating educational pathways that are easier for students to navigate and that lead to higher enrollment and retention.
Those who would like to be considered to serve on any of the above working groups are asked to identify which committee they are interested in and submit a one to two paragraph statement of interest (via Qualtrics) indicating why they feel they would be a good representative. To be considered, please submit no later than 5pm on Friday, November 4th.
Please reach out to if you have any questions.
Your SSU Staff Council - Katie, Gillian, Nina, River, and Kari
Visit the Staff Council website & Add our meetings to your calendar