TO: Campus community
FR: Karen Moranski, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Dear Sonoma State campus community,
In response to the Sonoma County Department of Public Health’s health order restricting gatherings of large groups of people through Friday, February 11, 2022, Sonoma State made the decision to hold most classes online for the first three weeks of the spring semester. Only courses with critical in-person learning components that contain fewer than 50 students will be taught in-person during this period. A list of approved in-person classes is now available. Students are responsible for checking the list to ensure they attend any in-person classes they are enrolled in.
The Sonoma State University campus is and will remain open during this time. This includes on-campus dining, residence halls, computer labs, the Rec Center, and the University Library. A follow-up email will be sent next week with details about the hours these facilities will be open. Internships and service-learning courses may also proceed as scheduled. Students, staff, and faculty are reminded to comply with current campus COVID-19 safety protocols — completing Daily Wellness Screenings, wearing face masks, certifying vaccination and booster status or approved exemption with weekly testing.