Several oak researchers and educators will present the latest information on a variety of oak-related topics ranging from oak woodland conservation, to sudden oak death, to oaks and fire, to a new
Several oak researchers and educators will present the latest information on a variety of oak-related topics ranging from oak woodland conservation, to sudden oak death, to oaks and fire, to a new
Have you wondered how you can maintain a connection to nature during these times of self-isolation?
Join this virtual networking opportunity where you will have the opportunity to connect via Zoom with different employers about the various jobs they are hiring for.
To attend a remote drop-in session, join the Career Center Meeting Room via Zoom during drop-in hours.
Join us for drop-in mindfulness training classes with Dr. Andrew Wallace .
If you cannot come to Trivia Nights at Lobo’s, we are working with the College Trivia Nerds Network to bring the trivia to you. Every Tuesday and Thursday, join us online by clicking on the link fo
If you cannot come to Trivia Nights at Lobo’s, we are working with the College Trivia Nerds Network to bring the trivia to you.
To attend a remote drop-in session, join the Career Center Meeting Room v
Nominations for the the Excellence in Research, Scholarship and/or Creative Activity Award Due.