An ingeniously crafted suspenseful thriller telling a story of a blind woman (Audrey Hepburn) engaging in a battle of wits and psychological strength with a group of greedy, unscrupulous criminals
Lectures and Films
Veteran documentarian Claire Simon immersed herself in the daily goings-on of a public hospital in Paris’s 20th arrondissement to produce this astonishing work of observational cinema.
Veteran documentarian Claire Simon immersed herself in the daily goings-on of a public hospital in Paris’s 20th arrondissement to produce this astonishing work of observational cinema.
PianoSonoma presents two weeks of programming, including a world premiere, pre-concert wine tastings, and Artist Exchanges.
PianoSonoma presents two weeks of programming, including a world premiere, pre-concert wine tastings, and Artist Exchanges.
A symposium of student work related to social justice themes, presented by the School of Social Sciences Student Research Group (SSSRG).
“In Conversation With...” Events are an opportunity to welcome our new faculty members to the School of Social Sciences and to connect socially and intellectually with friends and colleagues.
This delightful piece of Britcom silliness loosely based on the incredible rise of the Cornish sea-shanty group got lost during the COVID shutdown.