This year’s CareerFest will include: a two-day “prepare for the fair” Career Pop-Up, two days of career fairs with different industry tracks, and post-career fair employer workshop
Classes and Workshops
Climbing Wall Workshop: Advanced Climbing Movement. Are you interested in becoming a better climber, but don’t know how?
Queer Lecture Series: The Importance of Bi+ Inclusion in LGBTQ Law & Policy Work ft: Nancy Marcu.
Registered for a Career Fair, but unsure what to bring, wear, or how to prepare? Looking to learn more about what the Career Fairs are like?
Do you want to go to graduate school abroad? Conduct a research project abroad? Teach English abroad?
2020 perfect vision. Join Umoja Queens for a time of fellowship as we create vision boards to manifest all the good that we want to see in our lives academically, professionally, personally, etc.
Intro to Climbing Movement. Learn the basics of rock climbing movement in this 1 hour intro course.
Come experience what the Campus Rec has to offer: InMotion Classes, Intramural Sports, Sports Clubs, Slack-lining, Jobs @ Campus Rec and more.
Are you interested in studying away or been accepted to a program, but are wondering how to pay for it?