Directions to Sonoma State University
1801 East Cotati Avenue, Rohnert Park, CA 94928
From San Francisco Bay Area
- Highway 101 north to Rohnert Park Expressway exit.
- Turn right onto Rohnert Park Expressway. Drive east 2.2 miles.
- The Sonoma State entrance is off Rohnert Park Expressway
near the intersection of Petaluma Hill Road.
- Sonoma State University entrance on your right.
From Northern California
- Highway 101 south to Rohnert Park Expressway.
- Turn left onto Rohnert Park Expressway. Drive east 2.2 miles.
- The Sonoma State entrance is off Rohnert Park Expressway
near the intersection of Petaluma Hill Road.
- Sonoma State University entrance on your right.
View campus map and investiture locations.
Directions to Parking Lots
As you enter campus from Rohnert Park Expressway, there are multiple parking lots immediately to your right.
Parking in Lots L, M, N and O.
Parking permits are not required for attending the Investiture.