Ombudsperson and Faculty Mentor Director Positions

Wednesday, October 25, 2023, 11:15am

TO: All Employees
FR: Karen Moranski, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

I am happy to announce that the Provost’s Office has completed the search for an Ombudsperson and a Faculty Mentor Director. We had outstanding applicants for both positions, and I want to thank all those who applied. I would also like to thank Dr. Simone Aloisio, Interim AVP of Faculty Affairs and Success, who has advocated for these positions and facilitated their development.

Hillary Smith has accepted the position of Ombudsperson for Sonoma State University. Hillary is a tenured Librarian and has been at Sonoma State since 2014. I appreciate her demonstrated ability to listen closely, be nonjudgmental, and help people resolve conflict. The Ombudsperson will report to the AVP of Faculty Affairs and Success. This person’s role is to provide informal mediation of conflict and to provide support for parties experiencing conflict. Ombudspersons do not make rulings, administer discipline, or award damages, and do not participate in any formal procedures related to their work in this role. They also do not provide psychological services. The Ombudsperson is a responsible employee and is mandated to report any behavior that may be harassment or discrimination. The Ombuds program will be open to serve all University employees.

Dr. Emily Ray has accepted the position of Faculty Mentor Director. Emily is a tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and has been at Sonoma State since 2015. I appreciate that Emily brings interdisciplinary expertise, program leadership experience, and dedication to faculty growth. The Faculty Mentor program will be housed in Faculty Affairs and Success and the Director will report to the AVP.  This semester, Emily will conduct a needs assessment, identify prospective mentors, and match mentors to mentees.

Both of these positions are important additions to our constellation of direct and indirect support to our Sonoma State community. I am so glad that Hillary and Emily have committed to help us in our endeavors.