Message from the Interim President - Sept. 24, 2024

September 24, 2024

Dear Seawolf Community,

The first weeks of the new academic year offer an opportunity to reflect on the core values that define the Sonoma State community and affirm our unwavering commitment to seeking common ground and the benefits of pluralistic dialogue in every aspect of our lives — academic, professional, and personal. 

The coming weeks will be challenging for our campus, the nation, and the world. The war in Ukraine continues, and there are other conflicts around the world that may also impact our campus community members. Turmoil continues in the Middle East, marked by the deaths of tens of thousands of people in Israel, Gaza, and now Lebanon. In the United States, we face a polarized political environment the likes of which we have not seen in 150 years, both in terms of our responses to violence in the Middle East and the presidential election. Other issues may arise we cannot even anticipate. 

We must remain steadfast in our dedication to honoring the rights and dignity of every individual in our community as we collectively strive for excellence in the classroom and beyond. The Path Forward – issued by Acting President Nathan Evans in June 2024, rooted in the mission of the California State University, and embracing the Seawolf Commitment to integrity, respect, excellence, and responsibility – will continue to serve as Sonoma State’s guiding principles in the coming weeks, months, and foreseeable future.

I encourage every member of the community to embrace the diversity that enriches our university with vitality and strength. Our differences are fundamental to fostering an educational environment of tolerance, plurality, and mutual respect, where the unique perspective of every individual contributes to the growth and shared experience of our entire community. Our differences cannot, and will not, tear us apart. Rather, they should enhance our depth of understanding and help us stretch to overcome barriers.  

In our pursuit of collaborative learning, we remain committed to finding common ground through productive dialogue and earnest listening. In the coming weeks, various units and groups of faculty, staff, and administrators will offer a series of educational opportunities designed to bolster our core value of pluralism through co-curricular programs. The initiative will consist of three phases—Modeling, Training, and Practicing—and will serve to reinforce the importance of learning from one another through constructive conversation and authentic dialogue. The sessions will allow us to draw from our diverse experiences and backgrounds to establish a more accepting and inclusive university. Those opportunities include, but are not limited to:

  • In advance of the November 2024 elections, the It Matters! series will offer nonpartisan events designed to facilitate education and foster conversations that will encourage our campus and the greater community to engage, participate, and vote

  • Further implementation of our Restorative Practices Program with the goal of keeping our Sonoma State community both whole and actively engaged in learning how to address and heal from harmful and traumatic behaviors; Sonoma State began a Restorative Practices Program in spring 2024, with a three-day workshop hosted by the International Institute for Restorative Practices. Restorative practices strengthen relationships between individuals as well as social connections within communities.

  • In-person and online training modules–currently under development–related to the CSU Time, Place, and Manner (TPM) policy, the campus addendum, and FAQs delivered to the campus response team, the campus community, and local law enforcement agencies throughout the year (TPM policies are available here). Training is voluntary for faculty, staff, and students and will need to be updated and modified as the TPM policy, campus addendum, and FAQs are updated

  • Panel discussions around timely topics with external representatives from varying viewpoints and areas of expertise to engage in informed and respectful dialogue 

  • A workshop (or series of workshops) to provide students  with a toolbox of strategies for engaging in their own constructive dialogues around difficult topics

  • A workshop (or series of workshops) for faculty to acquire the tools needed to facilitate conversations in the classroom so no student feels silenced, invisible, or frightened to reveal their identities

  • Opportunities for the campus community to practice difficult dialogues in facilitated settings that encourage pluralism, respect, and thoughtful reframing of conflict

  • An event response team will provide guidance on free speech practices to event participants, promote safety of participants and bystanders, and assist with in-the-moment de-escalation

  • Completion of a campus-wide climate survey as a mechanism to assess student, staff, and faculty experiences during this complex time

We must support one another with empathy and kindness. Only by working collaboratively and embracing our commitment to integrity and respect can we sustain a thriving community where every member feels valued. We are all empowered to support an atmosphere that fosters personal and academic growth, and this shared responsibility strengthens the bond that unites us as Seawolves.

May your semester be filled with thoughtful opportunities to teach, learn, listen, and grow.

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Emily F. Cutrer, Ph.D.
Interim President